You might not be able to tell from this picture, but this is me, having a good time. With flour on my face from making buckwheat blini for a birthday bash extraordinaire, a little bit of sun, and a little wine, this is more or less, how I see myself these days. I am letting my hair grow (because I think it might be unseemly in another decade) and working on my midlife diet and trying to find "happy clothes" that make me smile (do note the floral pattern in my skirt) .
At the end of another long (productive) day at work, I am sitting at the desk. Annie, the wonder dog, is asleep beside me and snoring so loudly that the floor shakes a little. I made a cheese omelette and toast for dinner and am sipping on a glass of Pinot Noir (I learned that this is among my favorite solitary dinners when I was in Paris many moons ago). I am searching the web, looking at all my favorite tumblrs and blogs, pinning on Pinterest, and thinking about tomorrow. And you.
We have been so busy for the last month, that we have not seen Tess and Tate at all. Kirsten would call it "jonesing," as in, "I am jonesing for the littles..." I call it homesick for the Grands. There is nothing quite as marvelous as the way they greet me. Calling out Oma in their loudest voices, running toward me, hugging round the waist and knees when we meet at the Sip 'N Go half way between here and there. It is wonderful. But then are so many other things: letters from Will on old fashioned airmail stationary (we started writing letters to one another this year...what a treasure). The way Emily takes on the world on Facebook, and the quick check in calls from Jennifer on her way to her classroom in the early morning. Honestly, Miss Kelly, I never knew it would get this good.
Of course, there are days - long and not productive, nothing but bills in the mail, and no check in phone calls and no time for Facebook - when it seems less rosy. But I try, more and more, to keep those days in perspective. To remember that I can initiate and not just respond - pick up the phone and call - write a letter - talk on FaceTime. But sometimes, I like the silence and the soft disconnect. The introvert in me comes home from work a little weary most days, and by the time I make supper, check in with Kirsten, and settle down, it feels best to simply breathe...slowly...and count it another day. Today I got word that I will close a major gift for the Museum this week - a bequest of art and a pledge for cash...not bad for a Wednesday. Talked with a donor for more than an hour at the end of the day - he was in his car headed home from his office in Midtown. I was here, at this desk...furiously taking notes for a contact report. Another day, yep. Just another day.
With the long weekend coming, we should find a moment to talk...I will call. But in the meantime, know that I am sitting here, far away, but close at hand...thinking of you. Always, always thinking of you.
All love, dear friend,
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